Soakaway Borehole

Prevent water damage and erosion through natural absorption of excess water!

A Soakaway can be the solution to many excess water complications:

  • If you have flooding or excess water on your land.
  • Experienced damage to your property.
  • Current drainage system cannot cope with heavier rainfall.
  • If you are situated in a rural area where traditional systems aren’t an option.

How it works:

The Soakaway will be around 200mm wide, we will use plastic liner and gravel to case the hole. And will then be grouted and have a siphon head fitted. By using these porous material, this will allow excess water such as, rainwater from a rooftop, to filter through it and be absorbed by the soil.

We will install your Soakaway by taking into account your current drainage system and essentially, they can work hand in hand, with your Soakaway taking the strain away.