Notice of Privacy Policy:

This privacy policy sets out how Geologic Coreholes Ltd uses, protects and who has access to any information and personal data that you provide when you use our website. Please review it carefully.

Geologic Coreholes Ltd is committed to ensuring that your privacy is protected. Should we ask you to provide certain information by which you can be identified when using this website, then you can be assured that it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement.

Personal Data Collection:

Contact Details; Your name, phone number and email address, that we use to communicate with you regarding services we are/can offer you or in response to an enquiry that has been made in relation to the service we offer.

Testimonials; Your statement of opinion based around the work we have carried out for you, with the purpose of a positive marketing piece that is visible on a public platform.

Correspondence; Via Email, telephone, letter, through our in-site communications, or by any other method is collected and kept confidentially on file within Geologic Coreholes’ company structure.

Transaction details; We or our third party providers will ask for information relating to transactions carried out through our website and/or fulfil a order/invoice for services carried out.

Details of professional visits; Location addresses, investigation logs and any other data collected, whether this is required for billing or job specific purposes.

How we use collected Personal Data:

We use the contact details you provide us with to communicate regarding professional services we offer, including to keep you updated of any changes within the industry and how this effects our product.

Your personal data is used to register you on file as a new or existing customer in which we provide you with our service.

Data is used to provide quality customer support and keep you up to date with our services and improve our customer service we offer to you.

We process personal data to maintain and keep up to date records, that include administering your personal data accurately and internally.

Data Protection Processing:

It is necessary that we process your contact and payment details for the performance of the trading agreement between us. We rely on these grounds to allow us to:

• Provide you with our services.

• Communicating with you about updated services and any changes to what we offer.

• To improve our customer service and support to you.

It is sometimes necessary that we process your personal data for our business interests which are to;

• Personalising our contact with you, regarding what services we believe would suit you and your needs as a customer.

• To understand our customer database better, in order to improve our product.

• Develop and improve our website to enhance customer experience.

• To ensure that our website content is presented in the best format for you and your computer.

• Making sure management operations and internal administration of our business with effective document retention.

Who we share your personal data with:

We may provide your personal data to other companies and service providers who can provide certain business services for us. We may disclose your personal information if required to, in order to comply with any legal obligation, in order to protect our rights, property, safety of our business, customers or others.

How long we keep your personal information:

We keep your personal data for no longer than is required for the purposes for which it was provided for. This means, the length of time we keep your details for will vary between different types of data and their uses.

When it is no longer needed, we securely erase your personal data from all business systems.

Your personal data rights:

You posses the following rights regarding your personal data:

• The right to have your personal data removed, deleted or updated/changed if incorrectly inputed into our company database.

• The right to limit the ways in which we can use your personal data.

• The right to access the information that we hold of you at any time.

• The right to make a complaint to the information commissioners office if you are unhappy with how we have handled your personal data.

Changes to this privacy policy:

This privacy policy was last updated on 11th April 2024.

This policy may be changed from time to time, so it is in your best interest to check here each time you are required to provide personal data to us.